Business finance : theory and practice

"Now in its 7th edition, Business Finance is an essential introduction to financial decision making in businesses. Taking a user's perspective it explores the type of investments a business should make and how they should be financed, and successfully blends the theoretical, analytical and practical aspects of finance and investment. This new edition of Business Finance has a real-world flavour, exploring the theories surrounding financial decision making and relating these theories to what happens in the real world." "Business Finance is suitable for undergraduates in accounting and finance and for those on finance and financial management courses. It is also appropriate for postgraduate students with an option in accounting and finance and will be highly useful for professional accounting students. Computational problems, graded from basic to advanced, give the opportunity for further study."--Jacket

Includes bibliographical references (pages 453-458) and index

pt. 1. The business finance environment -- 1. Introduction -- 2. A framework for financial decision making -- 3. Financial (accounting) statements and their interpretation -- pt. 2. Investment decisions -- 4. Investment appraisal methods -- 5. Practical aspects of investment appraisal -- 6. Risk in investment appraisal -- 7. Portfolio theory and its relevance to real investment decisions -- pt. 3. Financing decisions -- 8. Sources of long-term finance -- 9. The secondary capital market (the stock exchange) and its efficiency -- 10. Cost of capital estimations and the discount rate -- 11. Gearing, the cost of capital and shareholders' wealth -- 12. The dividend decision -- pt. 4. Integrated decisions -- 13. Management of working capital -- 14. Corporate restructuring (including takeovers and divestments) -- 15. International aspects of business finance -- 16. Small businesses


inherent obscured text & Cut off text on number pages

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