IT Security Policy: Importance, Best Practices, & Top Benefits

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Written security policies do not directly improve network security, so some security practitioners sneer at written policy requirements. However, security practitioners in mature organizations not only understand the importance and benefits of written policies, they draft and promote the regulations that declare formally drafted policies as the basic requirement to start down the path to security maturity.

Policies provide a foundation of directives, regulations, rules, and practices that define how each organization will manage, protect, and distribute information. Additionally, regulators often cite a lack of formal policies as negligence as well as cause for higher fines and punishments after a breach.

This article will explore IT security policies through the following topics:

What Is the Ultimate Goal of an IT Security Policy?

The ultimate goal of an IT security policy is to provide a formalized set of rules and policies to benchmark the IT and cybersecurity posture of an organization. This benchmark can be used for a variety of purposes, but will most often be used to:

The Importance & Core Objectives of IT Security Policies

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published An Introduction to Information Security (NIST SP 800-12) that declares:

“Information security policy is defined as an aggregate of directives, regulations, rules, and practices that prescribes how an organization manages, protects, and distributes information.”

To organizations new to written policies, starting the process of developing security policies can be intimidating. Yet all organizations deploy security strategies that act as unwritten and unofficial strategies. The key disadvantage to these unwritten security strategies is that when they fail to protect the resources, the organization will struggle to prove to regulators and juries that the IT and security teams executed an appropriate and sufficient cybersecurity strategy.

Written policies, especially those that require regular reports, naturally generate the evidence of compliance. They also show a formal security strategy that has been approved by corporate management.

Most importantly, written policies enable key IT security objectives that will have a daily impact on the organization by formalizing IT security strategies, goals, and objectives; managing user behavior; and measuring IT security success.

Formalize IT Security Strategies, Goals, & Objectives

Written policies provide written instructions that can be used to show the intended strategy of the organization. Most strategies focus on the key objectives of information security:

However, not all existing practices will always be found to incorporate best practices or adequately address these key objectives. The process of developing a security policy helps the IT security team to reflect on and improve the current practices as they are forced to write them down and compare them against goals and compliance requirements.

The policy creation process also helps to align the IT security goals and objectives with those of the business as policy goes through review by non-technical executives affected by the policies. In the end, the organization should enjoy the benefits of a policy that provides formal strategies, goals, and objectives that enable business growth within the protection of validated IT security strategies.

Manage User Behavior

Policies provide rules for acceptable use, access, and penalties for non-compliance for users of all kinds, from guest users on the public Wi-Fi network to administrative access of data center servers. These written policies then guide the settings within identity and access management (IAM) or privileged access management (PAM) tools.

Of course, IAM and PAM tools can be established without written policies, but written policies ensure consistent rules applied across the organization. The formal policies also provide a standard that can be compared against practices to determine if the practices are sufficient and within compliance.

Measure IT Security Success

An effective policy sets clear expectations for the IT security team. Reports required by policies should show compliance with the policy and enable the IT security team to measure their success to meet the goals of the policy.

While employees always strive for success, falling short can also be used to justify increases in resources. For example, if reports required by the patch management policy show that the patching of critical updates takes longer than desired, the management can consider adding more resources or outsourcing some functions.

6 Top IT Security Policy Benefits

Organizations of all sizes tend to avoid the hassle of documentation because the task seems overwhelming, tedious, and constraining. However, an effective security policy delivers six key benefits: IT hardening, employment defense, executive and board member peace of mind, litigation protection, compliance easy button, and improved operational efficiency and resilience.

IT Hardening

Developing an effective security policy will naturally enable a security process that hardens the IT environment against attack. Although some might consider compliance the primary motivation for written policies, the process of creating the policy forces security teams to evaluate systems more rigorously and address issues that might be overlooked in day-to-day operations.

Employment Defense

Despite the best efforts of the IT team, people will still click on phishing links, zero-day vulnerabilities will still be discovered, and company resource constraints may require some vulnerabilities to remain exposed. Although compliance with security policies can reduce the risk, attacks may still succeed in damaging the organization.

In many cases, executives may initially look for a scapegoat to take the blame for an incident and IT or security teams often will be targeted. An IT or security team that can demonstrate compliance with an executive-approved security policy also shows that best efforts were made to prevent possible breaches. This documentation can protect employees against unfair treatment after a breach and protect their jobs.

Executive & Board Member Peace of Mind

Effective security policies require reports that can be shared with non-technical executives to enable confidence in the IT and security teams. Policies reduce technical details into numeric reports and easy-to-understand metrics that make the status of security processes understandable and accessible to non-technical executives.

Clear reports enable smooth communication with executives and the board of directors of an organization to help build confidence in the security posture of the organization. Such reports not only demonstrate that the organization considers information security a high priority, but also build confidence that can translate into improved support for additional resources.

Litigation Protection

In the event of a breach or successful cybersecurity attack, government agencies or stakeholders may attempt to pursue legal action against the organization. Fortunately, legal standards generally only require “reasonable efforts,” which can be supported with the documentation from an effective security policy and the reports that demonstrate the policies have been implemented.

Organizations without formal reporting and processes will need to scramble to figure out what documentation may be required to support past efforts and then hope they still have the archival logs or other data to create that documentation. Organizations with formal documentation and reporting will already have a significant portion of their evidence ready to present with minimal effort or business disruption.

Compliance Easy Button

An effective security policy should be designed to reflect the compliance requirements of the organization. Auditors always ask for written policies to help them easily understand the objectives of the organization and the type of evidence they can expect to receive.

Fulfilling a written policy that has already conformed to a compliance framework makes it easy for the organization to satisfy the regulatory requirements. The organization’s regular internal reports will naturally provide evidence of compliance without any additional effort or steps.

Improved Operational Efficiency & Resiliency

An effective portfolio of security policies can help the organization:

The survival of the business depends upon uptime and protected assets. Formalized documentation of security processes provide an internal checklist to protect assets, maintain uptime, and minimize mistakes.

Written policies also help with IT personnel transitions by providing documentation of expectations and reports of past activity. These will combine to save time by helping new IT employees grasp the status and expectations of the organization with less training.

3 Types of Security Policies

When developing a comprehensive set of security policies, an organization can get lost in the details. The SANS institute alone provides templates for more than 60 different policies! These granular policies help a mature organization, but an organization just getting started needs a bit more focus.

The three types of policies defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-12 include program, issue-specific, and system-specific policies.

Program policies provide strategic, high-level guides of the overall information security program. These can be singular programs, such as this program policy for the University of Arizona, that provide an overview of the goals and objectives of the security program. These policies are intended to be evergreen and not require frequent updates, and often will reference other types of policies in an appendix that can be updated more frequently without requiring updates for the program policy itself. Program policies tend to be too vague to measure or verify. Other types of non-security program policies might include business continuity or risk management.

Issue-specific policies provide directed guides for specific components of the information security program, but at a level of abstraction that describes goals, objectives, and reporting requirements instead of naming specific tools, techniques, and settings. These policies need to be reviewed periodically to ensure they remain current in the face of organizational, technological, or compliance changes. Examples of issue-specific security policies include network security, password, endpoint, and encryption policies. Some issue-specific policies may fall under multiple program policies such as data backup (security, business continuity) or acceptable-use policies for employees (security, HR).

System-specific policies describe how issue-specific policies will be applied and enforced on specific systems. For example, how the network security, user access, vulnerability management, and change control policies might be enforced for a specific firewall or a classification of servers in a data center. These detailed policies will be enforced through settings on the devices or through centralized software that can manage the devices.

Common Issue-Specific Policies

For an organization beginning to implement security policies, the focus should start with relevant issue-specific policies. The specific key policies will depend upon the organization. Although many will start with access, network, endpoint, and password policies, these priorities reflect a traditional IT environment. A small virtual office of five stock brokers using Google Workspace might instead focus on policies for data security, data backup, and remote access policies to comply with SEC and FINRA requirements.

Here are 10 common issue-specific and related policies: